10 May Adventure does not have to be epic
Adventure doesn’t have to be epic!!! and even if you think it does, who gets to decide what is epic for you anyway? It is all about perspective. We sometimes forget that adventures really can happen in our own backyard. Remember when you were a kid and your backyard, or the park across the road were filled with things to explore and discover, and you could get as much excitement out of watching a stick race down the river whilst you chased it, as you could from an expensive overseas journey? Sometimes it is the simple things in life that are the most enjoyable. I still remember back in 4th class when we got to stand up in school and talk about what we did in the holidays. Lots of kids shared about a trip to Disneyland, a camping holiday by the beach, a fishing trip on the Murray river, a Fiji holiday or some other ‘exotic’ voyage…then one kid got up and said “I got to go on the Manly ferry”. For that kid at that time he could not have wished for anything more. For him a magic moment had been created and that was all he cared about. All too often these days, especially thanks to social media, we are always looking at what other people are doing and how epic their adventures are. What would happen if we just did something, something out of OUR ordinary, out of our every day..something as simple as going to a beach we have never been to, or walking a trail we have never been on before, or turning left instead of right, trying something new. We often become creatures of habit and stick with what we know as it feels easier, and we know the outcome, but is that really living a life in the arena? If doing it alone feels challenging, what if you say yes to an invitation that comes your way or seek out a group, a friend, a colleague who is doing something you think you might like to try..join them..and feel your energy change.#justdoit #adventurouslifeproject #trustleadstomagic #wanderingitsathing #adventurousspirit #yourkidsarewatching
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